Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Malaysian National Animal Welfare
Foundation (MNAWF)
"The important issue in man's exploitation of animals is that they should not neglect the animal's welfare. Man may use animals for various purposes as long as he treats them well and cares for their well-being.... Pets kept at home should receive proper
grooming, diet, and immediate veterinary attention when they fall ill. The future will see greater concern for the welfare of animals besides the recognition of the role animals can play in the social well-being of man."

Timingly in 1996, the Veterinary Association of Malaysia (VAM) took up the responsibility to raise funds in support of animal welfare and undertake community projects under its President, Dr. S. Sivagurunathan. A "Community & Cats" pilot pet adoption programme for Cheshire Home was jointly organised by the Association with the Department of Veterinary Services, Majlis Kebajikan Masyarakat, Feline Society of Malaysia and Hill's Pet Nutrition Inc. USA.

Mission Statement:
To promote a caring Malaysian society through creating awareness and a balanced approach to animal welfare for the well being of animal and mankind.

A major project that the Foundation initiated with th
e support of the Ministry of Education in 2002 was an animal welfare education program for schools. The objectives of this ongoing program are to promote human-animal interaction as part of child development, encourage a wider awareness of and respect for all living things and inculcate responsible and caring attitudes. Activities include teaching on pet care, human-animal interaction, art, drama and visits to zoos, animal parks and animal shelters, all designed to make the learning creative and enjoyable. The Foundation works closely with local government agencies, animal welfare associations and pet clubs. It will continue with its commitment and efforts to promote animal welfare in the country and provide support to various organizations in matters associated with animal welfare.

Other club
  • World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF) -Malaysia is a national conservation trust that currently runs more than 75 projects covering a diverse range of environmental protection and nature conservation work in Malaysia. Since 1972, WWF-Malaysia has worked on important conservation projects, from saving endangered species such as tigers and turtles, to protecting our highland forests, rivers and seas. WWF-Malaysia is able to leverage upon conservation expertise worldwide as part of WWF, the global conservation organization.

  • The Department of Wildlife and National Parks Peninsular Malaysia (DWNP/PERHILITAN) was formerly known as the Game Department. The first law pertaining to wildlife was declared in 1896. The first wildlife reserve, Chior Wildlife Reserve was gazette in 1902. Efforts to create a central agency to coordinate wildlife and habitat conservation activities were initiated in 1930 with the appointment of T.R. Hubback, the former Game Warden of Pahang as the Chief of the Wildlife Commission of Malaya.
  • OBJECTIVES • Protection, management and preservation of biodiversity for optimum benefits. • Protection and development of protected areas for research, education, economic, aesthetic, recreation and ecological purposes. • Enhancement of knowledge, awareness and public support on the needs and importance of biodiversity conservation.

ACAP is the only communications campaign in existence proven to effectively address the demand for illegal wildlife products. Since 1996, ACAP has been working with governments, celebrities, media and other partners to reduce consumer demand for threatened wildlife products globally. In addition to reaching up to 1 billion people per week with celebrity-driven consumer messaging, ACAP works behind the scenes in schools and colleges, with politicians and local communities to create a new generation of wildlife conservationists.


Allen Johnson
- American Hurdling Athlete (1996 Gold Medal for Hurdles)
"Every day, around the
world, endangered animals are threatened by illegal wildlife traders selling their body parts for easy profit. Right now we are losing some of the rarest and most beautiful animals on earth. We must all work together to stop people buying endangered species products."

Maurice Greene
- American Sprinter who holds several world records and Olympic medals.
"It saddens me that these animals are threatened on a daily basis to the point of being categorized as endangered species. Many people who buy and s
ell endangered species products are simply unaware of the devastating impact they are having on wildlife. Together, we can influence and educate the world so that these amazing species can still roam the earth in years to come. When we all come together, we can do anything."


Top of the couple, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie has help a WildAid activities by doing a new project, named as "Maddox Jolie Pitt Project" in carry out a 'threats and needs' assessment at Cambodia. This project is provided to achieve a sustainable path to economic development, balancing conservation especially for a wildlife.

A few months ago, there is a reality show called as “Sehati Berdansa” which is plays
on Astro channel. Celebrities that involved on this reality show were Rosma and Khai which is they has picked Malaysian National Animal Welfare Foundation (MNAWF) as their benefiting welfare organization. Each couple dances for a charity organization. The sponsors will donate a sum of money to the organization every time the couple succeeds to the next stage in the competition.

A passionate advocate for animals, Jackie Chan has once again teamed up with the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) to create awareness of a little-known example of appalling cruelty to animals bear farming in Asia. Chan and WSPA have filmed a powerful 30-second PSA calling for an end to the cruel practice and showing the intense suffering and deplorable conditions bears on farms are forced to endure. WSPA has identified bear farming as the planet worst example of animal suffering inflicted by humans, and the PSA is part of a worldwide campaign to highlight the plight of the 12,000 bears living in Asia bear farms.

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